Got a RooR today for $50... Is it real

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by canada123, Jul 9, 2017.

  1. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    It was $50 guy said he paid $400 for it i dont know anything about glass ..
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  2. No it's not real it's a fake bong :rolleyes:
    Guess you'll have to toss it Billy:confused_2:
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  3. You are sure its fake... And why toss it aha its a piece of glass that cost me 50 i found the 30 so realistically cost me $20..

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  4. Who cares? Why should a brand matter? I bought my bong at a local HS for $40 and it's perfect. The glass is thick and it's an ice bong and just the perfect size. I don't have a clue what brand it is.
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  5. I was just like wow $50 and going to get it i found $30 outside so fuck it right

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  6. Depends on how it smokes...tbh, it's not worth figuring out. Enjoy what you have and don't question your fortune.

    If you find out it's a fake, it will diminish the bong in your eyes it would seem, so just toke it got a nice deal for $20 anyway.
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  7. Swoosh
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  8. I bought a real 2 foot hvy bong yesterday for 100 brand new

    There's alot of American made glass that's as cheap as Chinese garbage. Support local
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  9. Roor has nothing like that in it's catalog with that goofy swirly design thing. Probably $20 Chinese glass.
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  10. Yeah im good on supporting people lol i spent $20 im goood yoooo fuck local artists id never pay over $50 for a piece of glass no one and i mean no one deserves over $150 for a piece of glass...

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  11. You do know that every bong has a different signature.....

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  12. Email roor with pics
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  13. Lol he probably knew that you knew nothing about glass. He probably paid $40 for it years ago.
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  14. #15 Headphones, Jul 11, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2017
    I think you meant this post to be a thread all on it's own called "How to Identify a Legitimate RooR glass piece, it's 2013". You accidently replied to this thread here, where you were asking if your fake RooR was real.
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  15. This is my fake Roor I got for 60 bucks. The dude who sold it to me even said it was fake. I have an ashcatcher for it now. I love it. Triple honeycombs work great. Ice catcher works great.

    It never even crossed my mind until a few of these "is it real is it fake" Roor threads popped up recently and it got me wondering whether it's possible it's authentic. I can identify with OP's curiosity at this point (I missed all the deleted posts for the record)because it's the same sort of feeling that would accompany buying something at a garage sale or auction for next to nothing and that thing ending up being rare or valuable.... Or at the very least had an interesting history. I still have to email the company. Thanks to the individual above who suggested that, I don't know why I didn't think of it myself. I don't expect them to get back to me about it but it's worth a shot. OP - I suggest you do the same thing, perhaps one or both of us will be pleasantly surprised.


    Here is a quick guide on how to figure out if it's real or not:
    edit: the link keeps changing to a grasscity link for some reason. Perhaps the page is detected as spam. Sorry fam.
    edit#2: Here is a similar guide to the previous one I found:

    As mentioned before, if you like it, 50 bucks is a solid deal if the glass is thick.
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  16. looks like you have a nice German RooR there.. congrats. signature looks legit. pay no attention to people here. RooR Germany and RooR America have two different styles and different signatures as well. did the seller provide any information on it? what year it was made? i would send pictures to RooR Germany and ask for some help just to be absolutely sure, but i would say you have an authentic German piece there. congrats on the best buy on a bong.. ever. :yay:
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  17. WRONG!!!! lol

    just kidding.. please remember there are two companies in one.. 2 different kinds of signatures. you can usually tell American pieces just by the ice pinches if you have one of those specific models.. to me it looks like a German piece.. i could be wrong, but i do not think so.. :biggrin:
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  18. base is too small, price is too low. triple percs are not very common and label is off.. if it is not a fake it is definitely American made.. but i say fake.. sorry. i am sure it still smokes blah blah blah.. another arguement for another thread.. or many depending on how many RooR threads you read here.. there are quite a few.. good luck
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  19. i paid 140 USD in 1999.. even back then they were not cheap, and that was before they really blew up on the scene.. that piece i paid 140 back then quickly went to about a 1000 in about a good investment, wish i still had it..

    my guess is this person just wanted to get rid of it quick... but who knows..

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