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Got a quick question.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Lithium7, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. I got my blood drawn today at a hospital to test for some vitamin shit, lipid panel (trying to remember other stuff) um idk. And i was supposed to piss in a cup, but they like forgot, and i was just stoned like on sunday do they normally include a drug test with bloodwork? just cause i really dont wanna get grounded over my 4 day weekend..
  2. Nope they cannot say anytihng to you or your family even if you did piss positive for marijuana. Confidentiality and what not. I've had the same problem and the same worry. In fact im pretty sure that they have to run special tests in order to see if your even positive for certain chemicals i.e THC. you will be fine :p
  3. alright thanks cause i was like freaking out on the way in, my dads like a huge anti-weed kinda guy, and i saw urine test (which they forgot lol) and was reading over the paper and was just nervous lol. but yea thanks.:smoking:
  4. Depends on what the blood work is for. If it's for that kind of shit though, they probably need your urine but won't test for drugs. YMMV though.

  5. its mostly testing for a vitamin deficiency the other stuff was random.

  6. Yeh that would suck if they did that. Would be Murduh

  7. Be careful when saying this. If he is a minor, then a good majority of the states do not necessarily extend doctor/patient confidentiality to minors, though they usually do with "mature minors."

    However, you or your legal guardian still have to consent to every test run on you... seeing as these tests cost money. Hospitals won't run a drug panel for fun, so you are fine.

  8. doctor/patient confidentiality is applied to minors in MASS im 99% sure. And Thanks.
  9. hmm maybe i need to get smarter :smoking:
  10. it applies for those over the age of 12
  11. and under the age of 21? now im curious

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