Got a mid term tmrw

Discussion in 'General' started by TDotOh, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. So ya I got my mid term for steering, suspension, and brakes tmrw. I decided if I really wanna study and focus on it I gotta get really high because I feel I pay attention and read alot on my own when im high. So I plan on smoking a dime of my white widow(its only .7 in the dime though cuz thats how it is in toronto. I will try and smoke the greatly packed bowl right now and then go for a walk with my dog later for the joint for my self. I will report after I smoke each one.
    thats the link for the prices of this weed in the tdot

    here are the pics.

    Attached Files:

  2. Lookin good man, enjoy that weed ya got there. Good luck on your mid term too! :wave:
  3. :eek: WHITE LIGHTER!!!!


    Besides that, looks like a great time there. Nice pipe and Joint!
  4. Damn that's a big bowl and a nice pipe.
    The joint all looks nice my man.
    Although I don't think u really guna study. Haha
  5. Man I'm dying to go smoke 1 of these I still haven't. I'm gonna honestly try and study. Also whats wrong with a white lighter lol?

  6. you havnt heard the story?!?!?!
  7. Believed to be bad luck, and I NEVER use a white lighter ever since what happened to my friend

    We smoked some bud that they had gotten, everyone uses their own lighter in our circle, mind you. The friend that had the white lighter had a weird reaction to it and passed out on our way to wing stop and couldnt stop shaking in line. Turns out we later found out the bastard put iodine on the bud to help preserve it even more. But no one else got sick, besides my white lighter friend.

    "The real history to the white lighter myth and why they are unlucky is based on four famous and revolutionary musicians of the second half of the 20th century. Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrex, Janis Joplin, and Kurt Cobain were all left-handed, all died at the age of 27, and all their autopsies reported that a white bic lighter was found in their pockets. This is why it is said that white lighters are unlucky. So if you are 27 and left-handed, don't use a white bic lighter, you will die."

    ^from urban dictionary
  8. lol I never herd that story before thank god im 20 and right handed im still using the the lighter lol.

  9. Also, Robert Johnson died at 27, im not sure if he had a white lighter on him though. He sung a lot of songs about him having a hellhound on his trail, hence my location and meeting the devil at the crossroads to make a deal and stuff. Its very interesting, this whole myth thing.
  10. It's all good, as long as the good ol' herb reaches the lungs, everyone's happy :hello:
  11. I just had the joint and it's fcking me up lol I almost crashed right now
  12. now i just had the bowl and to be honest im not as high as i wanted to be. i think i might be smoking to much unless this thing is actually creeping up on me as i type
  13. wow thats a fat bowl

    where do you go to school?

    im taking the automotive program at my local cc now in my last semsester
  14. I go to school at centennial college for my last 2 months for my lvl 3 automotive. If I pass everything I can go write my license for my mechanics license
  15. That's not really a "studying" quantity. That's more like a "watch cartoons" quantity.

    But enjoy nonetheless and good luck on your midterm which should be tdy.
  16. I got 80% today ahahaha it was worth 25% of my final mark so he'll ya I smoked a joint right after and high in m other class lol

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