Got a gym membership

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Hello there!, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. My friend has been wanting to get a membership for a while, to build up some muscle. He wouldn't do it alone, so I offered to do it with him for motivation. We looked at the different local gyms (ideally I would have picked Planet Fitness, as I used them in the past and they were great, but there isn't one in Worcester) and settled on Gold's Gym. $40/month, pricey but my friend really wanted it and I wasn't gonna back out because I was feeling stingy. I wasn't too excited at first, but now that it's done I'm stoked! We didn't actually try it out today because he had to go to work, but we're gonna go tomorrow at 7am.

    I celebrated by buying an 8th [​IMG] It's been months since I bought weed. Plus being stoned really helps my focus and endurance, so I'm planning on utilizing it to start :D

    Oh and did I mention the chick who works there was fiiiine? Awww yeah :ey:

  2. Damn $40 is crazy expensive. Planet is only $10/$20 a month depending on the membership you pick ;o Sucks there isn't one where you live. I'm getting a Planet membership this weekend, I'm pumped.
  3. Yeah tell me about it. The only better price we could find was $32/m but the gym had all terrible reviews.

    Nice dude, you trying to get fit or big? Or both haha, but which is your main goal?
  4. More fit than big, not really into having big muscles or anything lol. I'll still probably do some upperbody just so I'm not all disproportioned or anything lmao. My overall main goal though is just being really fucking healthy. I'd like to be able to run a lot, do a couple 5ks, maybe move on to longer runs and see where it takes me. And honestly it's just something to do so I'm not stuck at home all day doing jack shit. Plus in effect I'll end up cutting back on weed.
  5. That's cool. That's how I first got into exercising too. I first started at my college's gym, until I stopped going, which was when I joined up with PF. I was doing what you're doing. Be careful, the more you do it, the more you want, and you become obsessed :laughing:
  6. I go to PF and it's only $10 a month for me. It's not the world's greatest gym (not a whole lotta free weights) but you get way more than the price would lead you to believe.
  7. Ive never been to planet fitness but Ive read that a lot people dislike them since they dont allow you to do Olympic lifts or "grunting" lol. But hey good luck on your fitness goals :D
  8. 40$ is standard where I live. I think my costed 350$ for a year? Ya.
  9. Is your golds open 24/7?
  10. Cool story bro thanks for letting us know
  11. if you want to get fit your best bet is to lift weights and run if you want.

    do like 3-4 days a week of lifting do all your muscle groups: back, biceps, triceps, legs, chest, shoulders. get on a schedule and stick to it -- ie day 1 chest // day 2 back // etc etc you can find help on that with someone here or somewhere else probly.

    then you can run too whenever.

    idk what your tryna do if your tryna loose weight or what but if you wanna loose weight (witch i'm guessing with you wanting to be fit) you wanna lift too because you'll get better results.

    you can lift and not get big. just lighter weight more reps
  12. Congrats man, always better to workout with someone then by yourself. More motivation to go every day your suppose to and someone to spot you.

    Make sure you start eating a good healthy balanced diet. Read up on what you should eat, when, and why. Diet is actually almost MORE important than the exercise to reach your goals. Figure out if you want to lean up or bulk up also, and read up on how many reps/sets you should be doing.

    Remember to take it light the first few days so you dont lock up on the next day or after. Shit happened to me before man, worked out way too hard the first time and I had CP-3o arms and legs for 4 days straight.....I swear I could barely wash my hair or even put a joint to my lips haha....shit was fucked up...

  13. What's the diet like man? That's the most important part. Stay away from that processed food. Stay away from red meat and dairy as much as possible.

    Fresh veggies, fruits, seeds, nuts, beans, eggs (meh, mostly healthy). WATER. Shit works....
  14. My membership is 36 bucks. And its snap fitness hella small gym maybe 50 by 60.
  15. Red meat and dairy is good for you though.
  16. man need meat. man like meat. man eat meat.
  17. I pay 35/month so it isn't too bad. And good job on not going with Planet Fitness. PF is a treadmill gym man, I wouldn't call it a real gym. It's for soccer moms and feminine guys who like to do 95lb squats.

  18. Yah, I deff need to look into routines and start to follow them. And nah, not looking to loose weight lmao. I'm 5'10" and like 135-140 so... lol.

    What I really need is someone to help me with my diet and finding things I'll actually enjoy eating and isn't to difficult to prepare (I'm a VERY picky eater, I don't like that I am, but it is what it is.) And someone to help me with my routine.

    Hiring personal trainer!:D:D

  19. TBH my diet has gone to SHIT. Me and my girlfriend are on a budget of about $30-$50 a week on food, so a lot of the time we get really cheap things that can deff last us a week. This ends up being things like cans of spagettios, frozen chicken pot pies, fries, snack foods, etc. So it kinda leaves me at a lose because I wanna go to the gym and get healthier, but I know leaving my diet the way it is I may as well not even be going to the gym, but I don't know what kinds of food and meals to pick up that can last for a whole week, (Breakfasts, Lunches and Dinners) and have it taste good.
  20. [quote name='"KyleMatthew"']

    TBH my diet has gone to SHIT. Me and my girlfriend are on a budget of about $30-$50 a week on food, so a lot of the time we get really cheap things that can deff last us a week. This ends up being things like cans of spagettios, frozen chicken pot pies, fries, snack foods, etc. So it kinda leaves me at a lose because I wanna go to the gym and get healthier, but I know leaving my diet the way it is I may as well not even be going to the gym, but I don't know what kinds of food and meals to pick up that can last for a whole week, (Breakfasts, Lunches and Dinners) and have it taste good.[/quote]

    Just get the cheapest wheat bread you can find and make pbjs for breakfast lunch and dinner.

    I lived off em during college :cool:

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