Got A Few Plants And I Need Some Help

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by kushblunts17, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. I have about 7 plants. 3 are still little seedlings growing fine..
    My plants in the ground are looking like shit and my plants in pots look like shit except one.
    I tried to stop the bug outrage.(WHAT ARE THE LITTLE WHITE TINY BUGS LOOK A LITTLE FURRY OR FUZY AND THEY JUMP WHEN THEY GET WET OR THE PLANT IS SHAKEN!) then my pot got knocked the wind? Idk what else it'd be.

    I guess I'm just ranting about the problems more rather than I need help but just tell me what you guys think I should do.
    I'm getting more soil and bigger pots tonight its way past transplant time
    Kind of just frustrated this year a lot.. More problems than ever. Terrible harsh ass storms all week no sun then when there is sun its cloudy so really still no sun and growing indoors isn't an option.. First half of my growing season..shit

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