Got a .5 Stolen from me.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Cudi, Apr 22, 2011.

  1. #1 Cudi, Apr 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2011
    .4 at the most. I thought It wasnt gonna be a problem who robs someone for .5 these days. Bummy ass people.

    I let him smell the weed. And his homeboi grabs it. They USAIN BOLT over some driveways and fences, I Chased them for a while, But then Im like. Your stealing a .5 ? Dang man your financially fucked up.

    So this is my thread to just let out my anger inside. I think imma let this one go, What is your thoughts?
  2. Its .5, I think you can get over it.
  3. Man I know, Just the fact it was took from me. This is what he said.

    "Yo shit took *****" "Gone bout ya buisness"

    Doesnt that make you want to do some things.
  4. All thieves are scum. I dont care if you steal from bill gates, He fucking works for his money. Work for yours.
  5. Yea man, Anger makes you want to do crazy shit.
  6. be more careful next time, money first
  7. chalk it up as a learning experience, wasnt that bad but dont let it happen again. If someone trys to rob you again and they dont have a gun, go down fighting if you have to
  8. Got ya. But ya know how people say, Dont give the dealer the money before you get the bud, Im just gonna sell to friends I trust.
  9. Hahaha fuckin fiends man booking it and hopping fences for half a gram. I don't care if it's the best weed in the world, its still just a fuckin half gram.
  10. Woulda resulted in 2 cracked skulls..stealing is stealing no matter what it is,and the fact that he used "their" horrible english skills woulda made me more mad
  11. Regardless of how much it was.. what the fuck is this world coming to?
  12. You should see what a car door can do to a bitch's back at about 30 mph, hell it might even make him talk english a little better...
  13. #13 jfresh420, Apr 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Haha yes! I did that once..tried breaking into my store,floored the truck as they ran away and my buddy flung the door open,i thought he died lol..taught him to think twice
  14. Give them the .5 but still kick their ass for being a worthless piece of shit thief i hate thieves!!!!!!
  15. Just be glad the fact your not the one who's desperate enough to steal a .5, even though selling .5's what do you really expect?
  16. next time you see them sprint at them full speed whilst holding a bottle of drain-o and a pair of jumper cables all the while screaming phrases in pig latin and backward english. your not liable to catch them but the nut busted in the plush velvety folds of their mind will be a satisfying revenge.

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