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Got 1/8 oz for $20

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SouthTx956, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Picked up 1/8 of an ounce for $20. Good deal?

  2. Thats an amazing deal!! :eek:
  3. Doesn't look like high quality weed, but for 20 bucks I would've done it.
  4. 1/8th of an oz for $20 is def a good deal, but to me the weed doesn't look to tasty :confused_2:
  5. Oh dang I see you live in south texas, as do I, the mids down here are dirt fucking cheap!

  6. some higher quality pics

  7. I just dont know, it could be an amazing strain but for some reason I'm turned off by how brown it is.

    Maybe its just me though..Still good deal for $20 bucks though haha!
  8. Even for mids thats a really good deal, at least most places in the US.
  9. hows the smoke? looks like dank at half its potential though, still not a bad deal for 20

  10. Good idea. Can we get a smoke report?
  11. Yah bro mids but for twenty that's straight taste any good?
  12. haha i'm an apprentice smoker.. so forgive me if i don't know how to "report"

    anyways, i took a big ass puff from a joint and god damn i felt my lungs burning and i got so blazed. that's good, right?

    other weed i've smoked is mostly bobby brown shit that i got from gang members.. but this i got from some suburban dude.... so yeah
  13. i loved the way it tasted... kinda like orange...
  14. I got 1/8 for 20 from a buddy of mine. I'm still gettin lit off it
  15. Glad to hear your lit :D. Orange you say? interesting..
  16. "blissin your speaker,dope cost less cuz it weaker,the hustle game was best off the beeper" - jadakiss :bongin:
  17. you said the smoke was harsh on ur throat? if so it wasn't flushed properly, magnesium eek!
    coulda been cured that way to taste like an orange ;) all it takes is an orange peel.

    glad u like your medicine though :smoking:
  18. ehh who knows... didn't really affect my throat but GOD DAMN IM LUNGs WERE BURNING UP.

    maybe cuz im a novice to smoking and i fucking burp the smoke some times (slowly improving tho)

  19. yeah the weed wasn't flushed properly thats excess magnesium that ur inhaling while causes u to have a harsh feeling.
    haha and no worries man, take it one step at a time, u'll be a pro in no time.
  20. 20 an 8th of mids is what i get around here

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