Gospel of the Holy Twelve I have read many esoteric documents, some of antiquity and some of recent invention (such as the tales of Carlos Castaneda) however it is my view that all writing is of spiritual nature, although some like the cat in the hat, or your math text book, may or may not resonate in the deeper levels of consciousness with you, I do not believe that there is any such thing as one book of God, or book that should be followed without criticism. The book is easy to understand, and flows well; I believe that it is a good tool for any one that was raised Christian and would like to read a New Testament that lets you take your mind on a thought experiment. "what if the original bible was intentionally warped and distorted so that the book that we read today no longer promotes the spirit of the original documents?" and "what would those original documents look like." If one is put off by the logos of this document consider that it is simply a tool for your mind, like a fun house mirror, or crystal ball. Once I had a little game I liked to crawl back in my brain I think you know the game I mean I mean the game called 'go insane' Now you should try this little game Just close your eyes forget your name Forget the world, forget the people And we'll erect a different steeple. This little game is fun to do. Just close your eyes, no way to lose And I'm right here, i'm going too. Release control, we're breaking through