Not sure if this belongs here but I figured it was the best place. Anyway I am thinking about buying the GoPro because I don't have a camera and would like to get into recording. The gopro is a little camera that has multiple mounts that you can attach to almost anything,has a waterproof housing that actually works, and records in 1080p. its pretty cheap for its ability. I'm most likely going to buy the motorsports edition because I mainly want to use it for when I go on trips on my bike and go to bike nights etc. Anyway I was wondering if anyone had any input on this camera. If you don't know what it is you can go to to check it out or you go on youtube and there's many many videos there. Thanks anyway
they are great! go for it. thanks for the gopro ad! /sarcasm they are good though but im pretty sure this is just an ad.
nah its not an ad definitely does look like it though i guess. my friend has one and used it on his snowboard but it fell off on one of the jumps. was wondering if anyone has one and mounted it to one of their bikes and felt safe about. I could've sworn i had more than that one post. oh well