
Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Zooma, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. Please tell me I'm not the only person in the world who is fun to be around when high... and that's being modest! My friends have said some wonderful things, no lies. I'd love to chat with people who take pleasure in achieving a maximum high!

    Therefore, I ask... Do any of you have ever act funny and/or crazy when you're baked? Do you enjoy taking ADVENTURES walking to the store for some grub? Do you just want to lay in a field of flowers and get lost in the wind blowing around you?

  2. I like long bike rides in the rain stoned.
    I'm awesome to be around, because I don't give a shit about anything I say, or you say.
    I don't get deep because I don't need to, I don't talk about how high I am...
    I like entering videogame mode stoned.
    I like entering cooking mode stoned.
    I don't like shopping stoned. They know.

  3. Right on, right on.
  4. I like shopping for clothes high. I like being at books a milllion high with an italian cream soda. I also like shopping for electronics high.I've had people say I'm funny but I don't really take it to heart most of the time. I'd say I'm weird mostly. I will wear a $5 colt 45 malt liquor t shirt with some expensive jeans and kicks. And most of all I love who I am. As hip hop and rock influenced as I am I still open doors for women or people with children and I say yes/no ma'am/sir. I dont talk about myself to brag but I just love the way people react to who I am as a person especially if they DONT know me.Ive had tons of people tell me that I look mean and wouldnt have ever approached me but I believe that if the world would take a tiny bit more time worrying about themselves and try to brighten each others day up things would be alot better. p.s OP you do sound like a pretty cool person also

  5. How kind of you! Thanks! It sure feels good to have an open mind, isn't it? To be honest, I'm usually discreet about sharing commentary but sometimes things slip out leaving the rest in for the awkward. Often times they come off as annoying. :0
  6. Yeah I can be sorta stand-offish myself but I realized the only way to learn and make yourself known is to jump in head first.I like people from all walks of life but there are only "some" people I dig on in the GC.If you feel some sorta way and wanna let people know I believe you reserve that right just like anyone else here who posts threads.Dont feel awkward just do you sweety.

  7. Good advice, thank you. B}
  8. I read this whole story..i like funny stories....because i love to live life and want enjoy life....i also like shopping...but i more like home cleaning....without cleaning its hard for me to live life...

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