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Good weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Zweeezy, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Have a half O of this Purple Kush for about 160$. I live in Cali so its typical tree here.


  2. I dont know how to make the pictures show up..
  3. $160 for a half of Purple Kush in Cali? You got raped, dude.
  4. Those X's look bunk, you were screwed.
  5. The thing with my dealer is Ill over pay him one time but say ill buy and O from him ill scale it out and he puts an extra gram gram .5 in it for me. Its a good dealer relationship so im not complaining I just want you guys to see it .
  6. here in canada Halfs are ususally &90 for dro and prolly $120-140 for kush

    A lil tight but whatever

    And the pics, host them with or and use tags.. put the direct link from the picture in there...

    Theres also a little picture to click it looks liek mountains with a yellow background when you post on here to click try that i wanna see this dank :smoke:
  7. Good weed, white wine, uhh, I come alive in the night time.
  8. [​IMG]
    All super nugs like that..
  9. I bought an eighth for northern lights for 65. Good deal in pennsylvania?
  10. Lol, you're not doing so well with this picture thing.
  11. You have to make sure you copy the direct image link when you want to try and embed the image on the forum.
  12. I suck at posting pictures. Just go to my PhotoBucket.
    The name is zweeezy
  13. Almost got it.


    Without the asterisks obviously.
  14. $160 for a half O of Purple Kush would be a great deal here in New Mexico... :(
  15. #17 daxdroxkilla575, Jul 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I could get that here in las cruces sir :D
  16. Damn, you got kinda ripped off if you live in Cali and pay 160 for a half.

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