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"Good weed"

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Deleted member 133001, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. I asked the dude at the coffeeshop to give me some good weed, and he gave me this for 20 bucks.

    Yo soy muy contentooo.. :smoke:

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  2. looks like some great mids i just picked up hows it taste
  3. That does look like some good weed. Happy toking :smoke:
  4. For 20 bucks you got a tiny nug and some shake? Well at least it got you high right?

  5. If my eyes serve me right (and they usually do) I'd say thats close to 2 grams, and anywhere i've been, except jamaica, thats a good price
  6. you always buy weed off "guys in a coffee shop" lol
  7. I hope your joking because that is definitely not even close to mids.:poke:

  8. ^this. are you kidding it looks dank to me, granted a bit shakey, but better than mids.
  9. Looks exactly like some Sweet Island Skunk I had a few weeks ago. That is the definition of some good weed :smoke:
  10. I should've put something in the picture for a size comparison.

    The dude was right, it was about 2 grams when I bought it (already smoked a few joints when I took the picture).

    And it tastes sweet and fruity.

    Any other questions? :p

  11. Yeah that's one of the perks of living in Holland :smoke:
  12. Its prob kush ahah

  13. Yo you must be retarded, if that looks like a tiny nug and some shake to you

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