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Good weed smell?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by potsmoker2, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Just picked up some absolute dank, it's covered in little red hairs and crystals and it smells kind of like freshly cut grass. i thought that was the smell for mids?
  2. At least it doesn't smell like mint. I hate mint :/
  3. Well clearly you thought wrong.
  4. and still the question remains
  5. No, you're wrong.

    Hows that?
  6. ^someone's going through pot withdrawals lmao. u mad i'm smoking some dank? take it easy buddy :smoke:
  7. sounds like it wasn't cured fully....good luck on that harsh smoke.

  8. smoking out of a water bong champ. train ya lungs betta.
  9. #9 studek9, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    hmmm never had weed that smells like cut grass, oh well if your getting high it doesnt matter what it smells like.

    edit: sorry for the lack of puncuation next time ill consult my comp teacher before i post on a forum

    to the guy below me you for got to put a comma after Dude lmfao
  10. Dude putting a question mark at the end of a sentence doesn't make it a question.

    Grammar nazi strikes again.

  11. :smoke:

  12. It's still going to give you a mighty cough.
  13. I see collapsed lungs in your future.

  14. despite posting in this section i'm not an apprentice. what are you 15?

    nope. only smoke twice a week if that. too busy to smoke more often.
  15. Well if you aren't a apprentice then why did it sound like a apprentice sentence:smoke:
  16. :rolleyes:
  17. First of all, stop acting like a prude asshole. If you're not an apprentice, you should be way more chill than you are.
    Secondly, smell does not completely depend on how well it was grown, considering different strains will usually smell different, even if they're all dank.
    Thirdly, you can't insult anyone's grammar simply because of the fact you turned a statement into a "question", by adding a question mark.

  18. Since when did you pick up some weed and it was dank and smelled like frsh cut lawn grass?

  19. lol'd irl at basing whether or not you're an apprentice on how hill you are.

  20. go smoke your schwag.

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