Good use of tax return money :p

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by GhostSnSkrillex, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. #1 GhostSnSkrillex, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Bought this with tax return for 2010, gotta love government money buyin me a new bong :D bout 18" fixed stem 8/7 arm..soooo smooth:bongin:
    Top of Worked Tree Perk
    Came with this bag(not obvious what im carrying in there at all lol)
  2. Hell yeah! nice pickup
  3. lol thanks, that portable burton kit is so sick:smoke:
  4. Damn thats sick.. What'd that run you?

  5. fuckkk man, too much lol i was able to get the toro with the bag and a pretty decent grinder for around $750ish
  6. Sweet looking piece. I just wanted to clarify, your tax return isnt government money :) Its YOUR tax money that you overpaid on your paychecks.

    But I guess if it makes you happier thinking that you used government funds to buy your bong, then have at it!

  7. lol true, id probably be happier thinking i worked hard for that thing :D
  8. You should post a milk vid..
  9. Hahaha yess that check is the sweetest piece of paper i get all year. I always get like an O hahaha:D
  10. That is just begging to have an ash catcher attachment.

  11. im dry for like a week till i get paid :( this is the last bit i had lol not exactly a milk but i got all i could lol saddd saddd:eek:
    [ame=]YouTube - Movie on 2011 02 07 at 13 26[/ame]

  12. definitely planning on it in the future, it just doesnt feel complete yet:p
  13. holy shit i thought you were going to drop it rofl

  14. hahahaha i think that shit everytime i watch it, i cant believe i did that:smoke: dont plan on holdin it like a tard anymore :bongin:
  15. Use some hemp wick its so much better.. Those little ice pinch slides look like a bitch to light idk if i would like those
  16. take care of that glass, please.

  17. yeah i dont really like the pinch slide cause it is a bitch to light lol but i definitely need to get some wick, forgot all about that stuff thanks for the reminder:smoke:
  18. No problem bro.. I'm sure it'll help you out lighting that ice pinch bowl also :wave:
  19. That's actually an 8/7 not a 7/6(these don't exist)

  20. Try pulling with less suction. Too much airflow is making the flame go out. You gotta baby it

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