good urine

Discussion in 'General' started by Shibuya, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. My mom is going to randomly DT me and I was going to get my friend to piss in a bottle for me. The thing is I don't know when she's going to test me so how long will piss stay good, that is not refrigerated. Also how long will it stay good if you do freeze it/ refrigerate it.
  2. well if its just a piss cup like you get at the drug store id say 48 to 72 hrs at the most just to be safe and make sure you have it at body temp range by like putting some in a condom and strap it to your leg
  3. if u can order synthetic podwer urine
  4. Hold on lemme get my time machine and ill go back the four and a half years and tell op your advice

  5. I think it's great that OP finally got an answer. He's probably been patiently staring at this thread for the last 4 years.

    You're free, OP! Free at last!
  6. LOL the second poster is clearly a troll.
  7. Ah yes another Cold /Thread. lol

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