Good sites for non-mainstream world news?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by jackhos, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. #1 jackhos, Apr 18, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2017
    wondering if anybody knows any sites like that? Kinda like wikileaks or whatever lol
  2. you can also search through all his sources on that page it is the gateway to a plethora of knowledge, discernment is always key though

    Peace be with you
  4. #9 Jdog Grows, Apr 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2013
    check out pbs, I like how they act like they aren't against the government, but when they question the government on tv they really dig deep on them.




    infowars, they may seem biased, but they get the truth out for sure.

    search up->unbiased news
  5. holy shit op how did you find this
  6. Oh mother fuckin's!

  7. I second Al-Jazeera. Good writers with info that is unbiased as mainstream media gets.

    Just stay away from any American MSM and info wars, along with looking critcally at the information and you should be good.

  8. i would agree, but he did say non-mainstream though....technically speaking they are "mainstream", but its not part of the bullshit collective(msnbc, fox, cnn, etc..)
  9. As a general rule of thumb, I only trust news networks from outside the U.S. to report on U.S. news. Generally I go for the BBC.

    Vice is practically unbiased and is fucking fantastic.

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