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Good series to start, while stoned?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by IM SOO HIGH, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. I thought I'd post this here cuz I'll prob get the most feedback.... I'm on weeds season 3 and it's good, but starting to get a LITTLE boring.. I still love it though...

    However I'm trying to find a new good series to start watching on netflix instant play... anyone watch law and order svu or any shit like that? by far my fave show EVER was breaking bad but i dont have cable anymore... i also never watch anime but kinda started to watch this show on netflix from adult swim called fullmetal alchemist.. it's pretty sweet...

    any ideas on some shows i could start? i like comedy but prefer drama and suspense

    thanks and let's all get baked and have a good friday night! :smoke:
  2. freaks and geeks - HILARIOUS show, a really great one. 17 episodes and only 1 season i think.

    breaking bad - really great show, amazing acting and really believable. i really like this series. there is 3 seasons

    ^those are two of my favourites :)
  3. hahah wow i was gonna come in here and suggest freaks and geeks!! :eek::eek::smoke: haha freaks and geeks man do it! it's got a great cast of lots of actors you probly know great show do it up

  4. Glory Daze is a Awesome show to watch while stoned.....!
  5. Second that^
    funny as show!
  6. Adventure time
  7. What a silly question Dragon Ball z of course
  8. Blue Mountain State. It takes a few episodes to really get the characters, but its a great show after that. Especially stoned...:smoke:
  9. AFRO SAMURAI!!! Violent, Funny, Wicked Story Line and the RZA does the soundtrack.
    Avatar the last Airbender. Awesome story line if you watch it all. Its indepth and beautiful. yeah that sounded gay. But fuck you haha
  10. Jersey Shore...


    Its funny stoned :rolleyes:... sober is boring and annoying!

    Uhm, I love the big bang theory, two and a half man and friends! :p
  11. Breaking Bad is the SHIT. I found out about it last summer and found a site with all episodes. Watched them all in two days. Season four in June cant wait :smoke::smoke:

    My favourite shows-
    Trailer Park Boys
    That 70s show
    Freaks and geeks
    How I met your mother(nph ftw)
  12. beavis and butthead
  13. I think anything is amazing when I am high. I like Glee when I am high haha. Its just got this weird thing to it. I don't know the people or whats happened but its just funny in general.
  14. peep show. its a uk show i discovered glad i did.
    go to they got seasons 1-6 :hello:
  15. #17 BigChamba, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    The office. Micheal is 10x more hilarious when stoned.
  16. Weeds
    Breaking Bad
    Of course The Simpsons
  17. Not sure what you can get on netflix
    Family guy (the sheer retardness of the humor is so easy to understand when high)
    south park (the satire is great if ur not too stoned)
    shameless (watch the british one, not sure if theres a way you can watch it there, but i found it funnier than the US one, it just an all round good show)
    archer ( funny :D)
    well basically any reasonable comedy :D
  18. On the anime side of things check out Gantz (uncut of course) Truely an awesome show. Makes you think when you're sober so just imagine after some heavy bong sessions......

    (not at all kid friendly. Same if you've got sensitive morals so watch acccordingly...)

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