good news..... bad news

Discussion in 'General' started by negligent, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. good news- i'm finally out of rehab, go me

    bad news- theres a 90% chance i'm gettin locked up because my rehab counselor ratted me out to my probation officer. boo

    life sucks, i'ma OD or sumthin, peace
  2. dude, don't OD.. if you get locked up, just wait that shit out... life goes on.

    How'd he find out that you were violating your probation?
  3. my probation is based 100% on drugs, i smoked weed all through rehab, thats how
  4. How did the rehab counselor find out/know?
  5. ummmmm, lets see, its rehab, drug tests maybe?
  6. Dude that sucks badly... Im sorry bro. Don't o.d. That'd be a big loss here. Wait it out, theres alot more to life. Best of luck man. I hope it all goes well.
  7. that sucks, dont go killin yourself tho bro, life goes on
  8. Dude jsut get through it man, youve got my support. And in the words of the late great Tupac Shakur...And webbist...And Opivy... "Life goes on."

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