Good movies to watch!

Discussion in 'General' started by clowencar11, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. Obviously while stoned, there are other threads but im lookin for what your feelin right now! So not necessarily stoner movies like cheech and chong, but good ol classic movies to watch.

    Some I like:
    -Super Troopers
    -Harold and Kumar(s)
    -Ave Ventura
    -Grandmas Boy
    -Air Force One
    edit: and of course, Out Cold!

    Now your turn.
  2. I'm a sucker for Edward Nolten films. (sp??) I love American History X.
    The Patriot with Mel Gibson, not mister Stallone, is also always good.
    Matrix (the first two)
    Just watched a movie on the other night on tv called The Boys and Girls' Guide to Getting Down, it was pretty humorous.
    Love Love LOVE the first X-Files movie.
    and The Beach.
  3. Super Troopers, Harold & Kumar and Grandma's Boy are all great stoner movies.

    For some reason, 40 Year Old Virgin always cracks me up... as does Dodgeball.

    what I want to watch usually depends on the mood I'm in while stoned..

    Edward Norton is the man! Gotta love Fight Club and American History X.
  4. fear and loathing in los vegas, good burger, crank, 300, blade, the boondock saints, i am legend

    a few i can think of :smoke:
  5. joy ride ftw
    scary and funny
  6. oh goodness. Norton. I'm having such a brain farty day.

    "stoner" movies I like to watch.....
    -Altered States
    -for some reason Alice in Wonderland has always appealed to me.
    -Dazed and Confused
    -Hot Wet sticky summer or whatever the heck that movie is called.
    -I'm Not There was pretty awesome
    -The Doors with Val Kilmer and Meg Ryan... awesome film.
    -Detriot Rock City.
  7. - Movies I've watched recently...

    The Beach


    American History X

    The Departed


    American Beauty

    Being John Malkovich

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