Im trying to find some good movies to watch high. I can always watch Pineapple Express and die laughing everytime just because I feel "damn thats exactly what id do/feel like in that situation" lol it's awesome. I really enjoy Disney movies too when I'm stoned, literally like they're made for high people, what do you guys thing?
[quote name='"tatithecreat0r"']Im trying to find some good movies to watch high. I can always watch Pineapple Express and die laughing everytime just because I feel "damn thats exactly what id do/feel like in that situation" lol it's awesome. I really enjoy Disney movies too when I'm stoned, literally like they're made for high people, what do you guys thing?[/quote] Watch harold and kumar, that is stoner comedy, its amazing stoned, watch harold and kumar escape from guantanimo bay, i did and i laughed the entire tome
I've been meaning to rent the movie Out Cold for a long time. Used to love watching it stoned... Watched Ted earlier this week, that was pretty good.
i love pineapple express as well, one of my fav movies, but I gotta recommend Tron - the newest one out. I think disney produced it also, but when u watch it high your just like O.O this is crazyyyy and the guy is pretty hot too.
Dude check out the nature channel. if you have netflix, go on the documentaries and watch all the animal documentaries. Lions fighting other lions for food, siberian tigers fighting bears in fear for their cubs, it's survival of the fittest at its finest.
Pulp fiction, Alice in Wonderland, Enter the Void, The Shawshank Redemption, Lords of Dogtown, or any documentary on space... that shit is mind blowing.
The first time I ever dabbed I watched Tron. To this day I still have no idea what the entire movie was about BUT it did look very cool.
Get him to the greek ,first time I watched it high I laughed the whole movie. Also Strange Wilderness if you havent seen it.
I've watched a lot of documentaries high and they're usually interesting, thanks for all the suggestions guys, stay highhh
Oh and check out The Prestige, fucking awesome movie, pay close attention. The second after I saw it the first time I wanted to watch it again. It's cool seeing movies based in different time era's and wondering what life you would've experienced if you were born then instead of modern day.
Watch the documentary called "Craiglist Joe" It's about a guy who attempts to travel the United States with no money, friend, or family support. He uses craiglist to travel and survive. Each time he arrives to a new city, he has no help and no place to stay. With the power of Craiglist, he makes things happen. It's very inspiring and a possible bucket list to try. If you have Netflix, it's on there.
Honestly can't answer this correctly. Truly depends on what kind of person you are,and since everyone is different there is no way to tell you what you would like. I could suggest movies that I like, such as The butterfly effect, inception, or any space documentary, but these are things that I like based on my personal taste that transfers over when you are high. Since I like to learn when I am high, I tend to watch movies that are hard to explain, ie the butterfly effect and inception,you may prefer to watch a comedy such as friday and pineapple express. So this thread is irrelevant, in fact why am I even here?
Dredd, that movie is SO weird when you're stoned. Actually I don't think id be able to watch it seriously without being high. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app