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Good last day smoking?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AZBLAZER420, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. So I am taking about a 2 month smoking, so today I decided to have a smoking fest. It started with a wake n bake of a fat bowl of dank mids in the bong and 2 1.5 firecrackers.

    So I was toasted all day in school from the firecrackers, and I smoked two joints at lunch between four people.

    Then afterschool is when the party began. I went to my friends house and we smoked a 2 gram chronic blunt and a 2 gram mid blunt plus about 5 grams of dank mids out of the gravity bong. Im so high and that was 2 hours ago, I am still going to smoke about 2 grams of mids tonight.

    Do you guys think this was a good last day blazing?:confused:
  2. Sounds like a good day man! Good luck with the tbreak.
  3. Damn you smoked hella why Does it have to be your last day smoking
  4. I'm going on a t-break and I need to detox so I can get a job. sucks but it shows that I dont have to smoke.

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