Good karma

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Stevo3107, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. So I have this guy that I do business with and he currently has a gf that doesn't know he smokes so he is going to give me about 150$ worth of parafanalia and other stuff so that he can keep his smoking on the DL. He said it was scales, bowls, dozens of papers, clips, and screens. All for free. I'm so lucky. Anyone else getting free stuff lately?
  2. You're pretty lucky. I bought everything I have myself. I don't have much though, just a small scale, pipe, and a pack of papers.
  3. Yeah I know. I also don't have the luxury of having a lot if extra money to go buy that kind of stuff so I am really lucky.
  4. The pipe and bong I own were both free. One was just a friend's old one cause he has a shit ton of paraperhelia, and another my friend bought in return for supplying alcohol to his party hahaha
  5. i sold about 450-500 worth of glass to one of my main homies for $200. A left coast 7mm thick straight bong that was about 2 ft tall, a really artsy bubbler that is all around amazing, and two spoons. One was like 6 inches long with tons of color and a sexy big bowl head, then i had a tiny little one that was shaped like a closed fist that hit great.

    bong 200
    bubbler 100 (amazing deal on this one)
    big spoon 95
    little spoon 45

    I think the bong may have been more, i also bought a dope as diffuser for it.

    its cool cause now if i ever want my shit back i told him he has to sell it back to me lol.

    Thats pretty awesome he just gave all his shit to you, definitely a cool dude.
  6. Yeah it ended up not being as much as I thought. A book scale, a manual scale, a dope ass pipe, a clear cone-ish shaped one hitter, a bullet bowl, a sick classical wicked grider, and some screens. All in all at LEAST 90$ worth of shit for free. Key word - free :) haha

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