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Good jobs in Texas

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by nevertoomuch420, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. So I've been working at my first job for a year and am wanting to get into a decent job with decent pay without worrying about a drug test but thats a bit hard to do here.

    Any suggestions or bits of information are much aprecieated. What good jobs are there in Texas that don't drug test?
  2. What type of jobs are you looking for? We have all types some test some don't, second job no testing..HEB grocery chain oh young one.
  3. What city are you in/close to?
  4. Restaurant jobs dont test. Not the best work tho
  5. In Texas? You can always get a job as a rodeo clown.
  6. I personally never understood in a situation like this people just don't opt to go clean and get any job they want. I have literally done that every single place I applied and gotten the job. Except my current gig, I planned for it, but they never did. 
  7. Not until march when it arrives in Houston I'm afraid
  8. I actually have a fellow stoner saying the same thing, I always heard they were strict on drug testing and he works as maitenence I think. Do you think I could clear on a stocking job?
  9. I have quit smoking but the extent I've been smoking in the past three years has me worried that it could be months before I'm clean and I really need this new job asap.
  10. Burleson, just south of fortworth.
  11. I work for a golf ball company, we buy golf balls. Most people just walk past the golf course in the trees and pick up lost ones from there but we also have people who retrieve from the water, you can message me if you want more details, it's pretty good money once you get good at it
    And we're based in north Ft. Worth

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