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Good Idea?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Backslash, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. I made a homemade vape a couple week ago, and I was wondering if I should use it in my room with my window open tonight. I have a ceiling fan and some febreeze/oldspice. You think it's worth the risk?

    Just so you know, my rents would slice me in half if they found out, even though I'll be off to college in august.

    Is it worth the nighttime buzz?
  2. I wouldn't risk it if their room is anywhere near yours. But going to bed high is amazing... so...
  3. Bad Idea

    Honestly if I was in your position I would just wait until August, you know, one less thing for your parents to nag you about in the long run.

  4. I usually have been doing it on the weekends and sleeping at a friends house. But their room is upstairs and my sister is next door. If I wait till like 1am I think I could be good.

    But I think I'll wait till this weekend, a friend is getting some California medical mary jane. Im in NY, so it's pretty sweet lol
  5. If it's a actual working vape.... you can do it with the window closed..........

  6. It works great, but the smell? lol It still is very strong haha.
  7. Use a sploof if it smells and blow it out your window. You should be fine. I did it all the time and never got caught.

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