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Good guy dealer

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Semisonic420, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. So all these threads with people bitching about their dealers skimpin em on grams and shit. What about those good guy dealers?

  2. What about em?
  3. #3 Couch_King420, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    I got the good guy dealer, the ones that's always like you want some extra green-ary for free Mann. That's my bro I get an eighth of some great stuff for 50 which is good here and he sounds like Chong so it's funny as shit to be around him and he isn't sketchy he's just achill dude and hasn't done me wrong for 1 and a half years. I Smoke weed 4/20-7 😎
  4. Half O for 80$1 Oz for 130-1604.5 grams of bho for 10025$ for each gram bellow 4.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  5. I'm my own dealer... but I know a guy who does good deals for 20 for his friends.. 1.4-1.5 lol.. of some medical quality bud.
  6. My dealer is the shit. He gets me good ass bud, 75 a quarter. He fronts it to me if I need it fronted. He lives right down the street from me. And when my piece broke, he let me have one of his old ones.
  7. My old dealer, which I sell to now use to give me quarters for like 60 and halfs for 120 and os for 240 and he would always give me extra. Now he's buying qps off me for 450 :pSent from my SPH-L710 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. Both my dealers charge 50 a Q and always throw in an extra g or two.Irritated when I'm not sedated.
  9. [quote name="featherweightftw" post="19414283" timestamp="1390800698"]My dealer is the shit. He gets me good ass bud, 75 a quarter. He fronts it to me if I need it fronted. He lives right down the street from me. And when my piece broke, he let me have one of his old ones.[/quote]now that's what you call the epitome of perfect dealers
  10. So these are some of the quality's that you look for in a dealer, would you come back often if he meets these standards.
  11. Yea. Like today, he gave me a free gram of some flight ass shatter because he didn't like the taste of it.
  12. damn bro you must be like such a big dealer because all the best dealers brag about it on grasscity. even if you were serious which i doubt you really must not be the sharpest tool in the shed posting that on the internet which every movement you've ever made can be seen anytime .
  13. [quote name="Da Masta Z" post="19440002" timestamp="1391147762"]damn bro you must be like such a big dealer because all the best dealers brag about it on grasscity. even if you were serious which i doubt you really must not be the sharpest tool in the shed posting that on the internet which every movement you've ever made can be seen anytime .[/quote] sorry I'm not to worried about it considering half of GC posts about hookups and dealing don't worry about my stuff lol. And you act like I can't grow some plants and sell them to somebody 1 person lmao I'm no big dealer never said I was supplying to all of FloridaSent from my SPH-L710 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  14. [quote name="Da Masta Z" post="19440002" timestamp="1391147762"]damn bro you must be like such a big dealer because all the best dealers brag about it on grasscity. even if you were serious which i doubt you really must not be the sharpest tool in the shed posting that on the internet which every movement you've ever made can be seen anytime .[/quote]Lol Police: yes your honor this man is selling quarter pounds of the marihuanaJudge: now can I see your proof Police: yes as you can see he posted on the Internet that he is selling QPsSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  15. it's called every little paper trail you leave can add up. and to post about something like that on the internet while you're not using a browser such as Tor is foolish. you don't think if they tracked where a guy lived and saw him talking about selling qps and talking about growing they're not able to get a search warrant....
  16. $25 a 8th and 80 a half o here in Washington state
  17. whenever i pick up off my guy he either has his bong packed and offers me a hit, or he passes me a doob, I smoke him out sometimes too but not half as much. 
  18. [quote name="Da Masta Z" post="19443607" timestamp="1391209199"]it's called every little paper trail you leave can add up. and to post about something like that on the internet while you're not using a browser such as Tor is foolish. you don't think if they tracked where a guy lived and saw him talking about selling qps and talking about growing they're not able to get a search warrant....[/quote]He would have to be stupid to talk about selling QPs near close to or around copsSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  19. once again, you don't think any cops are trying to catch people through the internet lolol. the internet can be viewed by anyone at anytime you really are ignorant.

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