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Good deal?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Blazed4dayz, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. i was talking to a buddy about my next pick up and told me 90$ for around 7.3 for some real quality dank shit. told me its 2x better then my last pick up...
    which was a heavy indica that was pretty nice. so good deal or no?
  2. depending on where you live of course...YES!!! that is a great deal!!! I would hit that shit up the second I got that message
  3. not a good deal, but not a bad deal if its really nice.

    thats what like 12 a gram, some people have to pay 20, some people get to pay 5-8.

    so ur right in the middle. happy tokin!
  4. I assume you're talking about dank
  5. Yes, that is a really good deal. But only if the weed is legit. Just take a look at it before paying.
  6. I'd take the deal, Do you know exactly what strain it is?
  7. I pay 20/g so thats a swell deal to me lol
  8. Great deal. I pay $20 a gram for mids.

  9. This is a joke?
  10. if this is true you are being bent over on the regular. tell your guy that you know that is about 2x to high and you will take your business elsewhere if he doesn't treat you with some decency
  11. buddy if i was you id find a new dealer......$20 a gram for mids? thats fuckin outrageous i pay 10 a gram for mids

  12. ! can get 2 grams of dank for 20, but that may be because I live in Canada. At any rate, get a new dealer.
  13. i can get that same amount for probs 65$
  14. lol here mids are 5 a gram nug 3.5 bag 60 so 20 a gram you are getting a good deal if it is dank
  15. yup yup,if it's dank then i'd say thats a great price.
  16. Amazing deal here considering the avg price is 120 for 7gs.
  17. i live in canada btw. i usually get discounts or something but this guys new so im trying his shit out. im having a 6hr sesh with some1 affter i pick up. ill let u guys kno how it is

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