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Good combo

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Johnnyhub, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Anyone know any good food/drink combos for sour D? Any other strain combos are welcome too.
  2. I don't understand what the strain really has to do with anything at all but if you got the munchies boneless chicken wings and mountain dew is the best...IMHO
  3. I can see wanting to eat foods that compliment the taste of good greens.
  4. lmfao!

    what was op talkin about? Idk... but this guy is gettin somewhere
  5. IN N OUT
    double double with a chocolate shake
  6. since its from "New York", then why not go get New york fries or somethin? Idk whats big there, use google.
  7. Get a gyro, some fries, and a pepsi.
    That's a good combo for any strain of weed. :D
  8. hooters wings
    anything from taco bell
    mcdonalds chicken sammaches
    philly cheese steaks
    anything with chili and cheese
  9. Eat spicy food then have a sesh, I know your thinkin' it should be vise-versa but try it.
  10. A good burger and a soda. Don't get McDonalds or shit like that. Around here in Seattle we have 5 guys and Dicks. (No, I'm not trying to be funny, those are the best burger places in the nation.) And they're fast too :) If you don't have those around, try In N Out? Or another good local burger place.
  11. sour d?


    let me check my weed-to-food rolodex..

    umm looks like you need sum steak and lobster ... and .. a 24 pack of beer

    i knew this stupid thing would come in handy one day
  12. Even though the McDonalds here is a safe-haven for the stoners at my college I would not reccomend going there.

    I just have one word for you guys, brace yourselves:

    I mostly toke up at my or a friends place, and I mostly go over the top with food and drinks.
    I put down 3 flavours of chips, some vanilla flavoured cake, a pizza or 2, there has to be some chocolate, beer, sodas, some energy drinks and lots more.

    And mostly I put that down for just 4 people including myself but damnit we eat it all.
    There is not one single piece of food which is "the best stoner food", but when you're high and looking at a feast of multiple stoner foods makes you feel so much better than accually eating it hahaha.
  13. Any food, particulary sour apple anything.

  14. Hahahahahah

    I always...wonder into five guys stoned. When i order a large fry of each they ask me if im sure everytime. Im like.

    "Fuck yea throw in a triple patty and lets get the ball rollin." of cpurse they realized how high i was at this point becauae i was talking to the fountain drinks :->


    Five guya burgerss......mmm

  15. :hello::hello::hello:
  16. Whatever your heart desires.

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