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Good Colleges for Bud?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Wiz410, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. I've applied to:
    University of Central Florida
    James Madison University
    Ursinus College
    Stevenson University
    Bridgewater College

    Anyone know if any of these schools are known for good or bad when it comes to bud?
  2. Kid, don't go to a school for bud. Every college will have grade A shit.
  3. All schools will have their fair share of chron, you will just have to hunt it down. But, JMU is meh, and Stevenson is shitty. The best, imo, for bud would be in Cali, duh, or Oberlin College in Ohio..
  4. I just got into JMU and I know for a fact they have lots of bud. I mean they are the 2nd biggest party school...
  5. Oaksterdam? Is there a college in Humboldt? And I hear Uni of Boulder? is pretty lax. But to be honest. If thats such a big factor in which college you go to. You aren't mature enough for higher education.
  6. Party schools/schools in states with lax MMJ programs
  7. There IS a college in Humboldt. It's actually a really good college too.
  8. I'm obviously not going to pick a school because it has dank I was just curious.
  9. quoted for perfection.

    Choosing a school should be a combination of your financial stability, financial aid, what you are looking for in regards for your education and future career options, etc.

    EVERY college town is going to have good, dank bud. Of course you have those smaller colleges with 1000-2000 people enrolled and usually have a specialty in their education courses, but even then there are going to be stoners, and there are going to be people looking to make cash off of those stoners. My first year at college I met at least 5 dealers in my dorm alone. that doesn't account for the guys I met at a party or through mutual friends.

    Again... don't choose a college on the guidelines that there should be good bud present, its a fact of life that it will be there in abundance.

    edit: didn't mean to sound like a dick. I didn't see your post on your curiosity. But as I said, its going to be there regardless.
  10. UC in Cincinnati and OSU in Columbus are both great from my experiances. But I would imagine most all college campus's are going to have a good supply of the goods.
  11. Yeah it's cool man. I was just wondering if any of the schools I was considering were any popular bud wise. I know Maryland is starting to talk about considering Medical so that would great since I'll still be a resident :)
  12. Hahahaha. Dude there is no such thing as a good college for bud. There is no weed store at my school nor any other univeristy or college in North America. Weed is everywhere in every city.

    When you are spending $50 000+ on your education, your focus should be on classes offered, resident professors, and potential areas of research for post graduate programs. It should not be on whether or not you can buy "OG Kush" on the regular.

  13. You do realize we have had medical marijuana laws since 2004, right? They just kinda suck..
  14. Ursinus, and Collegeville bud is garbage anyway haha.
    I applied to Ursinus last year, and live close by and everything in that town is pretty bad.
    But it's nice because Philly is just a bus ride away for better shit.
  15. Well the University of Victoria's biggest student club is Hempology 101. They have a weekly meeting outside the library at 4:20 where Ted Smith talks and people light up.
  16. I took part in that when i visited my friend who goes to UVic haha. Ted is a little too preachy for my tastes but good on everyone involved for taking up a cause.

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