My plants have been showing some clear signs of calcium deficiency. I've found alot of good calcium supps online (like calmag, etc), but I have no address to ship to as I'm going home to my parents house for the summer. So I'm trying to find a calcium-based fert that I is available at local gardening stores or home depot/lowes/etc. This is some shit (literal shit) I've found so far: Chickity Doo Doo Organic Fertilizer is Derived from 100% Chicken Manure How does that look for a calcium supplement? also, any other recommendation?
Word, thanks for replying. I heard lime is slow to break down into calcium, will it be fast enough to fix a deficiency before it gets too bad?
FluidMotion, If you can get some gypsum or garden lime, it works pretty quickly. The stuff I linked you to takes a couple of weeks. This link is an formative read on calcium with some helpful info. You can make your own liquid calcium with vinegar and crushed eggshells, and this link will explain it. chunk