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Good Bug or Bad Bug?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by franky4fingers, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. B41B2E3F-1275-4434-90F6-0F7B6DC37464.png Ive got 2 of these buggers on my plants. Never seen them before. Any ideas?
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  2. I'm not sure to be honest...looks kind of like a mantid or something predatory.
  3. that's an "assassin bug", it uses that hook looking probosis on the front of its head to stab other insects in the brain (no joke lol).
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Cool you know if I may ask? I remember it from high school....NO SHIT.....i dunno why but thats crazy!!

    Anyway....I wanna say they can bite or stab humans!! So maybe be careful around em...:watching:
  5. This came up in my youtube suggestions one day, it made me too itchy I couldn't finish watching it lol
  6. Keep it. Doesn't matter it is only helping keep parasites away.
  7. D5C2CAD7-FD09-4E0A-8B99-EE6C157B78CB.png Confirmed assassin
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  8. Just found an assassin bug in my indoor garden today but he looked nothing like that. I murdered it before I could find out what it was though. Their bites are supposed to be painful.

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