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good blazing spot?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by THCvision, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. Theres this spot near my house. I used to walk back there when I was a kid and I remembered it today and decided to go check it out for old times sake. Basically its a small path that leads of a main road. It runs along a fenced off area, which is state-protected land, a fish hatchery to be exact. Theres some houses and shit around but at one point it becomes somewhat secluded. I was standing around there when I realized it could actually be a cool spot to burn a joint. I wish I could provide a pic so you guys could help me decide if it would be sketch to burn there.

    Do you guys have any nice and secluded naturey type spots that you like to smoke at? I'd love to find a spot like that. Sit under a tree and smoke, listen to music, read, no one to bother you. Real hippie kinda shit.
  2. lol if you live in america the only peace ull get when you smoke is in your home other then that is in the dark. cause if anyone ever walks back there not saying that they will but if they do total buzz kill for u and that spot
  3. I go out to the golf course at night with a full moon out. It's looks unreal when your high. Great experience if you never tried. Otherwise I smoke in my bathroom. All the time haha I never get busted either

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