I'm looking for someone that is willing to draw up a band logo for free. I'm in a small band named "Ymir" from Canada, and I really need a band logo. It is a metal band so it would need a unique, detailed and high quality logo. I know that's a lot to ask for, but i'm not really expecting much. So, even if you wanna draw up a quick one for lulz or ideas, go ahead My bands music: YmirTheBand - YouTube Inspiration for band logo: http://th06.deviantart.net/fs36/PRE/f/2008/257/8/6/logos_Black_Metal_Pagan_doom_by_GRAGOTH.jpg http://i607.photobucket.com/albums/tt157/sbs_will/metallogos.jpg As you can see, metal band logo's are often about symmetry. Also, if it's any help, the lyrics are all about various mythologies, mostly Norse.