Im not gonna crush them up or anything im just gonna straight drop them i just wanna know how long i will be zooming and when the comedown will start. I m gonna drop them around 230 before work and i dont get off till 1015 is the comedown gonna come before that time. Also ive heard when on addy's you feel like everything you do you do more efficient? Will i actually like working ?
I wouldnt describe Adderall as "zooming" even when snorting. It makes you energetic, thats about it. Its good with drinking, but for sitting in a room, Ill pass. BTW, I almost never do work while using it, even when not drinking.
Should be hitting you soon and 90mg of XR is going to fuck you up and wreck your day if you have no tolerance. Have fun on your hellish ride.
I work really effeciently when on aderall...(30mg right now and just knocked out some hw that would usually take me 2x as long) but i dont know if 90mg is necessary save some for later
dont do it, i took 85 and i was fucked i was up for three fucking days and i was fucking MISERABLE when i was coming down i wanted to fucking kill myself. i made a thread about it, you can find it somewhere on here. fucking TERRIBLE decision. edit: didnt realize you already took them. guess your fucked then. good luck sleeping and dont forget to eat man.
50mg-60mg is usually where I usually where I dose, and that has me going pretty damn good if my tolerance is down. 90mg can cause quite a few problems with no tolerance.
He took XR pills so I'm gonna say that he'll be up for 2 days at least. Unless he has some benzos or barbs, in which case he will probably just enjoy himself.