gonna order a bong soon need opinons??

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by TGOLD, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. I'd get the first one.. I don't like frosted glass but thats just me.. I enjoy seeing the smoke build up.. I'm fixing to drop 170 on da buddha vaporizer.. I love vaping.. I used to vape with my buddy on his easy vape but after i get the launch box it just really caught my interest in turning to the bright side on vapeing so i'm order da buddha vape next week :D

  2. yeah i agree on the frosted glass thing and vapes are the shit my friend had a zepher ion (spelling) we used the shit out of it during winter break when he was in town.

  3. [​IMG]

  4. alright?
  5. id get the first one. I ordered the same one but red label, its great. definitely recommend getting it :bongin:
  6. Do you like the bag vapes? I couldn't decide between the extreme q 4.0 or da buddha.. Right now i'm leaning towards da buddha but i've always wondered how bag vapeing was :rolleyes:

  7. bag vapes are the way to go if you ask me its just fun as hell to make a big party sized bag and pass it with a big circle or just keep it for yourself and get super baked.

  8. yeah it seems like a nice simple sturdy straight tube. so you like it alot?

  9. yeah its great :smoke:

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