BUT I FOUND AN APARTMENT!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO So fucking happy... Goddamn...son I BE HAPPY as a MOFUCKAAAAAAAAAAAAA! My cunt of an aunt would not co-sign... My Mother's credit is fucked, but she can afford to pay for it. My aunt hates my mother because she divorced my father, long story short, my aunt is my fathers power of attorney and is THE BIGGEST piece of SHIT, I have ever met, and will meet... So there for she would rather have her 2 nephews be homeless... instead of fucking co-signing a fucking application... just requires her fucking signature and a credit check.. Fucking CUNT man... I can't wait for her to get what she deserves.... Luckily my mom's bro will co-sign for us. FUCK YEA!!!!!!!!! MOTHA FUCKIN UNCLE ANDY SON! KNEW I COULD COUNT ON MY ***** UNCLE ANDY So much stress has been lifted off my shoulders... Feels mad good, I'm smiling and shit. I got a place live, and to put my shit in soon... Goddamn, so awesome... I'm be moving in all my shit hopefully this weekend... Fuckin goddamn son! FA SHO!!!!! DIZ SHIT HERE is ***** DIZ SHIT HERE ***** is Amazing. It seemed impossible finding a fucking apartment on such short notice, but we did it... Fuckin Borricuas son... Puerto Rican Family bought and saved my house from being forclosed, and they helping me get a place to live... Fa sho... Now I get to build up credit... which is sweet. The apartment is in my name, and my bros name, we're going to get a joint bank account, and pay for everything, but for now, my mom is helping us out, till we get on our feet. The women who runs the shit is mad chill, and working out shit with my mom for payments. Pays to be Puerto Rican cuz she's helping out her people. She asked about our last name, and I was like Fa'sho, my dads puerto rican, spanish, irish. I went to look at the place drinking a big ass Goya Guava Nectar Drink, rofl. Using the ethnicity card... and my charming good looks, to wuuuu the bitches. It's two bed room, living room, kitchen, bathroom, attic. Top Floor. $1225 a month. My bros GF is throwing down like 300-400+ a month, which is badass... I just don't wanna live with neither of them cause they're lazy fucks and emotional as fuck, but what ever... Im be going to school and working, not be living at my casa much. Now I need a fucking JOB, I got CLEAN PEE, somebody piss test me!
fuck yea it does... I spent $30 at Harmon Face Values (like a soap/health/beauty story). Bought: 3 things of deodorant Shampoo bodywash scrunchy shower thing to clean your self with fucking ridiculous...
Yeah man you wanna find cheaper alternatives to all those little necessities. But glad shit's turning out for you. Positive vibes brotha
I've never been a materialistic person, due to being poor my whole life, so I just gotta buy cheap food and shit... I got clothes on my back, shoes on my feet, glasses on my eyes. Food is just expensive as FUCK and so is GAS... I drive a fuckin buick le-gasguzzler... $40 don't fill me up anymore... atleast this apartment is closer to my school, which is cool, it's like a direct route to my school.
Im so happy that someone in this world is making it work somehow. Sending good vibes man. Your excitement and attitude right now really gives me hope on how my situation could turn out good. Thanks man.
The fuck people bring children into this world and can't take care of them...what the fuck Good luck brah, hope the best. That's some bullshit
No one is not taking care of their children, my mom's credit is shot, but can afford the monthly. My father is disabled and has a power of attorney, if he could co-sign, he would but he sadly isn't in control of his own life, my aunt is... And she is an egotistical, power hungry, control freak, devil, wretched swine bitch, who doesn't give a fuck about family.
Not to be a Debbie Downer but how the hell are you going to afford 1200/month. Even if your bro's gf throws down 400 a month where are you going to get the other 800? Not to mention transportation, food, utilities, etc. Even with a job that shit's going to be close to impossible unless you land a full-time job making decent money. You should have went for a smaller, cheaper apartment. Just my .02 but good luck.