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Gonna be around 37 days clean

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Zooweemama247, Dec 9, 2023.

  1. 6 foot, 150ish pounds, high metabolism
    Been clean since the first week of November. Got a job offer postgraduation and have a drug test on monday. Was smoking dabs a couple times a day at some points. Not really high grade stuff but yeah. Tried an equate drug test and still pissed positive. The test has horrible reviews and I don't really trust it. But I can't help but tweak. I think I'm gonna take a jazz detox on the day of just to try and go overkill. But should I be worried?
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  2. @Zooweemama247, In my opinion you should be worried. I'd try to delay the test at least until I tested clean on home tests, or try substitution . I don't know of the detox you mentioned. Good luck. I've tested dirty at 90 days.
  3. Drink lot's of water, sweat, exercise, drink more water, Flush that shit out. It's been a long time since I failed my Home Depot test.
  4. That's the latest I can delay it to.
  5. I have been drinking water my piss is straight up clear rn, walking my dog with extra layers on to sweat, and Imma buy a jazz total detox today.
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  6. Unfortunately there's no way you can speed up the process which leaves you with a detox drink, or substitution. Again, Good Luck.
  7. How desperate are you? A bowel cleanse & detoxing enema's! How bad ya want this job? :eek:
  8. I'm desperate but I'm also gonna be 37 days clear, 24 years of age, 150 pounds and 6 foot. I really have little fat. I was expecting to pass without anything. Taking a CVS test tonight and bought a detox that people that have used after smoking days prior. I feel better now and have been chugging water. Just gotta wait for my home test. Tryna let my piss yellow up a bit to treat it more realistically.
  9. Just be careful with the water and keep your electrolytes up
  10. 10oz Jazz Total Detox Liquid Concentrate with B2 & Creatine (Blue Rasberry) by JAZZ

    That's the drink I'm planning on using.

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