Well me and my friends go golfing all the time. A couple of them work at a country club as cart boys. So we wait to about 5 or 6 oclock almost everyday and take a couple golf carts and play a couple holes till it gets dark. We drink a couple, smoke a couple, you know. Anyway, they know how to take the govener off the golf cart (you just take a scorecard pencil and lift up the seat and stick it by the throttle pin in the engine). Anyways, they probably go about 20-25 mph. We meet up at this hole we party at and start racing. We even have our own track. Down the hill, around the bunker, through the weeds, around another bunker, I'm not going to lay the hole thing out for you guys but it takes up about three holes. (By the way, I don't know if this works with electric golf carts, we do it with the gas ones) If anybody evey gets the chance to do this it is really really fun. It can also be dangerous though too. I have rolled a couple times and its not fun. One time the cart landed on my leg and scraped me up pretty bad from head to toe so if you try this be careful and don't flip them. If anybody has done this before what are your thoughts on golf cart racing. If anybody knows if you can take the govener off an electric cart let me know. I only know how to work the gas ones.