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Going to sleep high

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by LetMeRollMyWeed, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. So like everybody else, I love to go to sleep stoned. But sometimes I feel like I'm wasting bud/concentrate if I go to bed less than like an hour after getting high. Anybody else feel like this?
  2. Usually I don't get tired till after being high, so it's not a problem. Get high, get tired..

    If we're on the complaint list though, smoking habitually is a dream stealer.
  3. Yeah i know what you mean, some nights i smoke two bowls and i fall asleep in 5 minutes.
    But i still think i will keep doing it because when i fall asleep high i have the most vivid dreams and they are really long. I love going to bed high
  4. I always hear "weed kills dreams" but I have awesome dreams when I smoke daily, going to bed blazed, etc. It reall depends on the person in my opinion
  5. i love waking up after falling asleep high, just feels different
  6. I feel the same as you are kind of wasting weed in a way, sure you might have some fun filled dreams but you aren't experiencing the herb awake.

    Whenever I smoke I like to get extend my high as much as possible as it makes life so much better, I don't think I've ever smoked specifically right before bed, that would waste some good herb in my opinion.

    Also like using most drugs it depends on the type of mindset you have when you go into using them.
  7. I commonly smoke before bed/ late, because I smoke outside some like every one to be in bed before I broadcast over the air that I smoke weed.
    But because I smoke late I usually end up going to bed after a smoke, I still dream fine.
  8. I try to burn at least an hour before bed, usually more.

    Unless its like 4 am and I can't sleep, then I'll get up, take a rip and go back to bed.
  9. I usually smoke about an hour before bed. I feel that's the one reason why I hate T breaks because the shitty sleeping pattern returns when I don't smoke

  10. This for me. I don't get "tired" until I've come down.
  11. I vape right before bed (literally in bed) and it will take me until the come down as well to be tired.
  12. Sometimes when I can't sleep I'll roll a J to try and help, but then I just end up sitting on GC and raving to music until I'm sober again.
  13. Nah I don't think it's a waste. Weed naps are great.
  14. Usually weed wakes me up(contrary to what happens to a lot of people), unless I've been awake for quite some time and am just exhausted. I think if you take a hit and go to bed within like an hour, you've wasted SOME weed(obviously you still enjoyed an hour long high). I've also never experienced "high dreams" or really any other noticeable change in dreams while high, so maybe that's just me.
  15. yeah weed wakes me up i have to wait until it wears off and im sleepy
  16. I dont like to smoke then sleep. i think its a waste to but i know alot of my friends like to smoke before sleep. some of them will wake up in the middle of the night and smoke a bowl thn go back to sleep lol
  17. i wait till its almost wore off before i go to bed. I think its a waste too.
  18. I was just thinking of this last night as I lay in bed staring at the clock at 4am and cant sleep. so I decided to just smoke to fall asleep which was worth it. It's like asking if using an Ambien to sleep is a waste, when you could stay awake and have fun on it.

    On another note though, if I smoke like an hour and a half before I fall asleep I won't remember my dreams, but if I try to fall asleep the second after I get done smoking I actually find it hard to sleep initially, because I'm so wound up from being high. But just a few moments later once i relax and get tired I always will have like this super warped an vivid dream that only happens when I'm high, then I wake up, look at the clock and two hours have gone by and I'm sober and won't have another dream at all. Or remember for that part.

  19. I know right...I wish I could grow legally just for awesome sleep :hello:
  20. If I smoke some good dank before bed, I simply couldn't fall asleep. I'll just lay in bed thinking about aspects of life until sober. And then fall asleep.
    But then again, I'm just getting no name dank from my dealer.
    I plan to order 3 seeds of a good indoor PURE sativa and 3 seeds of a good PURE indica.
    Grow one of each at a time.
    Just so I have wake and bake smoke and a going to bed smoke.

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