Going to Ireland!

Discussion in 'General' started by PuffPuffPasss, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. I'll be traveling to Ireland this year for around 15 days. I was wondering who has been there? What's it like? Any info would be great!

    Btw I'm starting on the midwest (sorry don't know the name) and going down south then up north and across.
  2. i went to ireland last year and absolutely loved it. i went to galway, kilarney, limerick, conemara, and a bunch of other places but i don't remember the names. galway was my favorite town. there are pubs everywhere (pretty much every town i went to) which are amazing - live irish folk music, drinking, singing, dancing...everything. galway also has a lot of nice shops and a great downtown area that's filled with life. all the people in ireland just seemed so friendly and fun-loving. it's really great.

    there is a lot of beautiful countryside everywhere - mountains, pastures, etc. lots of sheep too. we went to a place in kerry where my grandfather's farm was and it was gorgeous. there's a great national park in conemara that is just incredible.

    overall, ireland is a fantastic country and i had the time of my life there. enjoy your trip!
  3. Lucky.
    Irish guys are so swoon worthy. And their accents...mmmm
  4. Thanks for the replies. I'm really excited haha.
  5. Omfg, that's my dream life goal.....

    I am overly jealous :D

    HAVE FUN! Take lots of badass pictures

    My family is in Listowel in Co. Kerry

    And my ex-grandma is in Dublin.
    (My grandpa is a ladies man)

  6. I'll be sure to take lots! Hopefully I'll have as much luck as your grandpa with the ladies :D

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