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Going To Colorado For July. Not Just For Ganja...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Gosk8, May 19, 2013.

  1. Me and my girl wana venture out and take a vacation to Colorado. We wana do most things outside, hike, fish, whitewater, etc. So what's there to do that's worth doing. I'm a big national park buff.
    You know this was coming but:
    am I pretty much guaranteed to find weed pretty easily?
    Being 20 will that be an issue?

  2. #2 JDMcWeed, Jul 4, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2013
    My wife and I went back in May.  All I can say is:
    Lodging for 6 nights near Rocky Mountain National Forest= $750.00
    Horseback riding/white water river rafting = $340.00
    Food = $300.00
    Gas (to visit garden of the gods, cliff dwellings, driving scenic routes, and ghost town exploring) = $250.00
    1/8 Top Shelf Ganja given to us free and legally as a gift... Priceless.
    Still I'm in my 40's not sure how the being 20 will affect things.  Then again in a year there should be retail locations and you'll be 21!  I know I'm going back....  my wife and I are talking early August.
    Also anyone who thinks that legal weed won't help tourism...  trust me I didn't list everything we spent money on.  When the retail locations open then they can collect tax on the Ganja to.  Personally I want to move there and open a Bed and Breakfast inn... of is that a Wake and bakefast...  No free chocolates on the pillow instead a nice frosty bud!  lol
  3. Retail sales won't start until January 2014.

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