Going To Amsterdam

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by CharO0ne, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. As of yesterday, I have been planning a leisure trip to amsterdam in May or early June of 2011. I just need a break, to get away for a little bit, and Amsterdam is surely a good place to do it! So I'm saving up money for it, researching how they do things down there, etc. The only thing is: I don't know anyone who would/could go with me.

    Now, I really don't mind going alone, but I think I'd be more fun to have someone with me to enjoy the experience. My family is a no because they can't afford it, and I dont think I'd want to walk around the red ligh district or get blasted with mommy watching:laughing: my best friend lives in canada and is broke as a joke, and everyone else I'm not close enough to to invite em...so it seems I'm going it alone.

    So, do you guys think it'll be alright going alone? All advice and suggestions are appreciated! :)
  2. Well, I'd personally find traveling to another country solo would be a bit intimidating. It's always nice to have a road buddy.
  3. I am planning on visiting Amsterdam on 6/11 or 5/11 too, I've heard the people there are friendly but you should be careful walking the red light district alone.
  4. I was only there for a week with my wife, some years ago, but I'd say it would be fine to go alone. Make sure you see the museums and other attractions, because they're very worthwhile. Just have the same awareness of your surroundings as you would in any major city, for safety.
  5. It's one of the easiest places to travel cause you can hop a 15 min bus drive to downtown from the airport. You probably won't leave the DT area anyway. Nothing about traveling alone is intimidating, it's just whether you'd enjoy your vacation time there while alone. But like mentioned avoid danger and be smart.

    I'm doing the same trip, but not specifically those months. I'd be down for meeting you there. I plan to hit all the cafes and bars I can, some walking distance tourist attractions, of course some hookers.
  6. Thanks everyone for the responses!

    And to eazydoes, you made some good points. I'm used to being alone most of the time, it's no biggie, it's just that I want to see the clubs and a bar or two, so I'd only want to go there with someone else. It'd be boring for me to hit a bar alone. When are you going exactly, maybe we can meet up :D
  7. That'd be cool. I have no planned date, but can go whenever I chose. I was thinking when a concert came along, but decided I will stay away from that. If we plan to meet, we shall attempt to hotbox a cafe.

    It would be awesome end of November as there's the high times cannibus cup, but that'll be expensive.

    I'm only interested in staying 3 nights whenever that is.. so maybe we'd toke up a couple times.
  8. #8 CharO0ne, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
    Ha, sounds like where my head was at. I was gonna wait for a concert too, but I didnt see anybody
    good, and I wanted to head out there in the fall, but I'm too anxious :smoke: but let me know If you wanna try making a plan.

    Oh, and bump :D

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