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Going to a friends house...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Zackary88, Nov 26, 2011.

  1. Hey Guys. Im about to go to someones house and then his parents are going to take us to another friends house. The only problem is his dads a cop and I want to make sure he doesnt the weed i have on me while hes driving us. So where should I put it and how can i make sure he wont smell it through my clothes
  2. Mason jar, pill bottle? Do you have either of those things? Put your weed in there and stick it inside a backpack or something. If it's a pill bottle you can just put it in your pocket.
  3. Hey it's my first post, too! I would suggest double bagging, even triple bagging it. Also spray a squirt of cologne on you, but not too much, cuz that's suspicious.

    Also, how much are you going to bring? That makes a world of difference.
  4. Wrapped up in several bags inserted directly into your rectum

    Lol kidding, get a small jam jar or airtight tupperware container and put it in there.
  5. Age police, u mad?

    but yeah, uh just put it in a jar.
  6. get a zip-lock bag put it in there. And then put it in yur pocket, make sure its the once facing away from the popo papa.
  7. Wrap it up multiple times in baggies, at least 6 or 7, just to be safe. Then put it in your sock, underneath your foot. It might get a little squished, but it shouldn't smell when its low to the ground. If the cop is driving, try to sit as far away from him as possible, like in the back right seat of the car, and put the wrapped up bud in your right sock underneath your foot, then insert your foot in the shoe lol.
  8. Why aren't you driving yourself? I thought 16 year old kids could get licenses in the US :D
  9. im calling this one. underage.
  10. dude, nothing you do will work. cops have xray vision. btw u have to be 18 to use gc
  11. Would someone care to show me where he said he was under 18? No? Didn't think so. Don't just assume shit, you all look stupid.
  12. [quote name='"ElectricWarrior"']im calling this one. underage.[/quote]

    I think that's the general consensus.

    The one time I'm going to help a minor, and pay close attention. Single bag, in your pocket, with body spray (axe works the best). Just be cool. Now gtfo.
  13. Get a small book-bag like one for skating or a gym bag put a shirt in there and a beanie or some shit then put you weed in a small bag then put it in a pill bottle. I assume you probably have no more than an 8th so the smell shouldn't be bad at all and number 1 don't worry. :)
  14. dont even worry about it. I was arrested once and i had bud on me. They didnt know about it, and they didnt smell it. just be cool and if he smells weed, RUN! lol kidding
  15. the way i see it there are a few options of what this thread is
    1. (most likely option) OP is a cop who is trying to learn tricks that stoners use to hide the smell of weed.
    2. OP is a white supremicist who is trolling (88, 8th letter of alphabet is H, HH= Heil Hitler)
    3. Op is not a white supremicist, who is 23 and wasting everybodys time.

    Anyway you look at it, this thread is useless
  16. [quote name='"Zackary88"']Hey Guys. Im about to go to someones house and then his parents are going to take us to another friends house. The only problem is his dads a cop and I want to make sure he doesnt the weed i have on me while hes driving us. So where should I put it and how can i make sure he wont smell it through my clothes[/quote]

    hallo Freund, möchtest ein Mitglied des meine Herrenrasseorganisation sein? Wenn du schon mit ein Gruppe bist, vielleicht könnten unsere Gruppen treffen und zusammen ein paar Juden töten oder etwas.

    [quote name='"Macka B"']the way i see it there are a few options of what this thread is
    1. (most likely option) OP is a cop who is trying to learn tricks that stoners use to hide the smell of weed.
    2. OP is a white supremicist who is trolling (88, 8th letter of alphabet is H, HH= Heil Hitler)
    3. Op is not a white supremicist, who is 23 and wasting everybodys time.

    Anyway you look at it, this thread is useless[/quote]

    im hoping for #2!

    EDIT: just realized i might get banned if someone puts that through google translate. so to clarify i was joking

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