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going into a wierd phase

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by denis1992, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Whenever i get decently high i can go into this strange phase. It takes certain circumstances like having good loud music on or just being really stoned. Basically I lie down and close my eyes and everything starts spinning and i can't really relate to the outside world while im doing this. It just makes me really happy and i get a really big smile on my face. Sometimes if i do this for too long i become nauseous but i ususally do it for 30 sec to a minute at a time. Is this considered tripping? Does anyone else do this?
  2. You don't "trip" of weed tripping is more about shrooms and LSD, you were probably high as fuck. Though you can still say "I was trippin balls" because to most people it doesn't matter
  3. LSD or shrooms would be nice if I could get some, but since I can't weed is the only thing I have. and no it doesn't make me trip only sometimes I get high and get auditory hallucinations. but its very very mild hallucigenic

    But if you smoke too much weed you can "green out". and usually people that get the spins get nauseated from it and yak up.
  4. Ya the thing is I can kind of do it almsot every time I am high. Even if im only moderatly high, but i always have to do it in the bginning of a high or it wont work. When i first started doign it i would get sick really quickly and i hated it, but the more i tried it the better it became. After getting past the nauseating part it feels extremely good, but i cant seem to do it for longer then a minute. Im not sure what im doing, only one of my other friends has ever gotten what i described, and he said he didn't like it.

    Anyone else who does this? can't only be me

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