Anything I should look for? Things to check out and watch out? Pros and cons? I'm gonna check some threads also,but having personnal answers from you guys helps a bit more(can specify,etc.) Any size also?(trees,light entry,etc.) What and where makes a good spot?By where, where the suns gets up,goes down,etc. I will add pictures of the spots i've found later; Thanks people
You want a southern facing spot preferably on a slope in a clearing and near a water source. IMO the most important things in order are: 1: security 2:sun exposure 3:water source You could have the best spot ever in terms of sun/water but if its in a location where it could be found it doesn't matter, you will be caught/ripped. If you have to question the security of your spot, then it's not as secure as you thought. Of course anything can happen but you should have no doubts on the security of your spot. Next is light, it what makes your plant grow. Your amount of direct sunlight will directly affect the size of your plant. And last but not least, water. You need it. But a natural water source should be the last of your worries unless you're growing a massive amount of plants. You could do what I do and hike in water and catch rain water. Hiking in water is hard and it's a bitch, but then again you don't harvest nice buds from being lazy. I'm sure others will chime in if I'm missing something.
Update: Found a couple of good spots,only problem. Shit loads of bugs,was fucking annoying. Alot of dead trees,fallen branches,aint no nigga going there lol