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  1. Just had a random high with a friends girlfriend. She starts trippin and looked at the cross on my wall for like 10 seconds and then she started to say that he's watching me and what I'm doing is bad? She took half a vape hit. I think she's just fucking with me.
  2. No, shes right. You're goin to hell man
  3. hahaha thats great
  4. This calls for a bible paper joint.
  5. you'll be fine...just dont overthink it.......................or else he'll come for you
  6. She has to messing with you.
  7. Ride the wave there, dude...tell her you´ve seen it too last night and now he won´t leave you alone anymore. You might even be convinced that he´s trying to call you home. Don´t forget to shake back and forth slowl & steady and talk with a numb voice. If she doesn´t admit she fucked with might not wanna hook her up ever again.

  8. You are clever at discovering motives.

  9. Someone call my name?

  10. I approve of that avatar + rep

  11. Does that work well? I believe in God and wouldn't feel bad about it at all. I would probably use the edge though cuz I might read it and be missing that verse when I needed it sometime or someone else who knows.

    Your avatar is amazing Jack Skelington is awesome.

    To the OP Dude just listen when God talks to ya. Your girlfriend may be crazy tho and to say something like that sounds like a head game.
  12. #12 Zatyro, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    So wait...lemme get this actually know who that is in my avi?
  13. Whos on your avatar?

    Well, God made herb, so what you are doing is not wrong..:smoke:
  14. Start telling her about quantum physics and string theory and an 11 dimenional spacetime universe
  15. I don't wanna say just yet lol. I wanna see who all knows first. I'm just intrigued because this has been the first time someone on GC noticed it.

    I agree with your statement tho. If there is a god, he obviously created this plant and intends on us smoking it, otherwise we'd be losing the drug war ;)

  16. DAMN IT!

    You got to it first... haha
  17. Now i'm curious to who that your av.
  18. Great minds think alike good sir [​IMG]
    loolz. This is all so entertaining to me. Hint: RDJ

    EDIT: Forgive my profound dead-thread revival skills

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