God is ?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by bkadoctaj, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. How do you feel about me saying that?
  2. god is &.

    and you know how i feel

    cuz im literally telling you right now. :p
  3. ?

    :D :p
  4. God is. . .often misrepresented by humans. imho:)
  5. anthropomorphized, maybe?
  6. god represents the universal reason for things we dont understand and we have no control over.
  7. Indeed.

  8. Can't that whole sentence be labeled an aspect of "?" itself?
  9. Non existent,but his/her/our resources are fully available to those who seek.
  10. How do you feel about me saying:

    Life is ?
  11. our purpose on this planet is ?
  12. The purpose of this thread is ?
    How do you feel about that?
  13. mrblonde is ?
  14. ? is ?

    I just blew your mind.
  15. Yet it hurts... so good.
  16. there is no god that judges us continuously based on our actions

    there might be higher powers or a high power to explain the existence of matter in general (we will NEVER EVER know)

    and to say we will or might know in the "after life" when our "souls" travel to "heaven/hell" is ignorant

    there is NO after life we exist now (we will never know why so just enjoy the fact you believe you exist and have the capability to understand that, or understand it as much as possible at this point in time)

    we have no souls, to classify our understanding of "me" as something more than matter is ignorant, and to believe in a soul is letting ur ego declare its self something more than it is (an ego and the self understanding of "me" is simply cells within your brain transmitting brain waves between one another)

    if we have no souls there for there is no heaven/hell

    the idea of a god judging us based on a moral code of right and wrong and that our "spiritual self" will be punished or rewarded in the "after life" is a tactic used to make us do the right thing, when in fact the right thing is the majority or the worlds populations belief that it is "right"

    back to god, i personally believe there has to me something bigger than just luck to justify gravity, matter and life

    EDIT: live is a being which interacts with the environment around them (gravity acting upon something is not interacting)
  17. "Know ye not that ye are the temple of god, that the spirit of god dwells within you?"

    People too often look to the skys when think about god, like they are looking for Santa and his reigndeer. You must look within your self, right behind the self, who is thinking your thoughts? Who hears? Who is it that is behind your mask?

    When people say, there is no god, or god doesnt exist its just us on this hump of rock, I feel sorry for those individuals. Who ever said ingnorance is bliss was fuckin ignorant and didn't know anything greater. People who disspell god because they cant see proof or havn't experienced the divine are ingnorant to the whole mystery of this place, and I feel sorry for them.

    Generally its the younge dumb and full of cum that make such statements. They trust too much in the reasoning power of the human animal. All creatures are worthy of gods grace, its the point in evolution that a species is in that determines how well they use gods grace. Grace is as much a part of this universe as gravity, its like poetry. It comes about when you surrender to the greater, it happes when your fighting, running from the cops, or in a heated debate. The one who humbles himself flowes better. Thats god's grace. Not god moving shit around, but this synergy this poetry that comes about in action (fruit) , the best martial artists are full of grace.

    Hope that helps someone on their way to understanding, if not I will discuss it further.

    Grace be with you.
  18. So you really had to go there huh!Of course we have souls,eastern religons explain it perfectly along with Quantum mechanics being the crutch.

    The soul is an energy structure meaning it cannot be destroyed only transfered.Incarnation can easily be the transfer system for so called transaction.

    Silly Rabbit,the concept of Heaven and Hell is for kids.:)

    Religion is wrong in general,I think we actually judge ourselves and ascend to higher planes(higher state of consciousness) when we reached the peak vibrational frequency.

    Don't forget about Energy(specifically Zero Point)

  19. why id i have to go where i dont get it, and i dont understand how that explains it?

    exactly why i said it doesnt exist

    religion is wrong yet believing is fine

    explain this theory of reincarnation of our minds and thoughts

    energy indeed but explain Zero Point (sry i just dont know what it is...)

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