God is the devil?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by HighinHI, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. If we believe in god, most of us attribute god only to love and good things. But maybe we should also link hate and darkness to god too. If god created all things, then doesn't that mean he's responsible for all the things we usually attribute to the devil? If he's omnipresent in everything then doesn't that include things we consider evil?

    If all suffering, destruction and death are all for higher benevolent purposes (like how destruction brings creation), then either god is behind it, or the devil is actually benevolent. Or the devil is actually god.

    Maybe there is duality (yin and yang) in everything in the universe, including god himself.

    This new thinking might change my views on the idea of "evil," since maybe nothing is evil if it's from god and ultimately for a higher purpose.

    What do you guys think?
  2. #2 TesseLated, Jun 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2011
    This is so. It is only to bring about your understanding and teach you to listen. *It is not inherent.

    Duality has to exist or there would be no contrast.....there is no plot without a conflict....and everyone has their own story to live and tell.

    It is by understanding your own story, how you tick, etc....that you find whats important to you. You do this by living life....and God guides you until you are able to do it on your own. It is about becoming. He is guiding us all in different ways. Do not misconstrue that for puppetry.
  3. It stands to reason, that if the devil is a separate entity , then there would have to be TWO gods (Good and Evil)
  4. Shit happens.
  5. Evil exists because we exist, You cant have the righteous path if there is no unrighteous path.

    THis is all very physical, and god is above this and only interpretable in the higher reaches of your mind and cannot be brought to the physical plane by speech, action or even emotion. Because from your perception in your mind can you only interpret it i cannot interpret what you interpret but I can understand from the fact that we are brothers and our thinking be the same.

    So the way i see it is yes we can definately see a line between good and a evil and the contradiction it brings forth, but is it just to label the foundation of reality on good or evil? I dont think evil will ever be banished it has to exist as our mind thinks in dualistic way and everything around you is in dualistic process, paradoxes at every door so to say. Its pretty much your moral alignment you wish to take the reality you wish to see and these forces will allways be in contest as it gives purpose to the pointless, the pointless being life. ( I do realize the pointelss becomes nothing in the evolved mind but im saying it from a dualistic frame of thought )

    This is a harmonious battlefield we live in, and when you understand the true nature of both sides you come to realize none are wrong but both contest each other, as if to reminds us that the dualistic way of thinking is the wrong way to think.. meh but thats left to another topic, Evolution is very touchy in these trying times ;)
  6. If you're going off the bible, satan the devil was a free willed separate individual being who decided to go against gods will. God created that who turned into the devil, but didn't create evil in the direct sense.
  7. He HAD to have created evil. Just like how Christians say he created love. And why would a "higher" being than us, assumingly smarter, go against God :confused:. He can bend fucking time and create space, what can Satan do? Encourage us to sin? Bullshit.
  8. You don't seem to understand what freewill means, do you?

    Satan simply became jealous of god being worshiped and wanted it for itself.
  9. And how was Satan planning to steal the entity's glorification. He who can fucking rip open the space time continuum, create a multi-verse, all powerful and knowing, perpetually perfect, spawned Satan himself, and omniscient. Who was Satan again? A falled angel? Doesn't God supposed to know the future anyway? It just doesn't make sense to me man sorry...Yes I understand what free-will is btw. I have free will, and I can't create Emotions. I need "God" to create them first. Mabye I'm just ill-informed...
  10. Satan would steal the entity's glorifications by making man worship him rather than god and make gods own creation turn against him.

    And god knows the future as in has a plan for it. Each individual who has free will is not under the control of anything but themselves though.
  11. Your not getting my point...Either way, I can tell we aren't going to convince each other here, so I'm done. Each man to his own. (or something like that:smoke:)
  12. Yes, God created evil things, but they serve an equally Holy purpose.
  13. That would be my guess. But what ha.
  14. I'm on my way out the door, but I will write a more detailed explanation tonight for you guys, I think you guys will like it. Except the atheists, they won't like it because it makes too much sense and goes against their belief system lol.
  15. there is no higher purpose but you are absolutely right.

    god being infinite potential has infinite expressions.
    love and hate being just two of the same expressions.

    evil is good and good is evil. they are both the same expression channeled differently.

    one is either moved by love/acceptance thus goodness is obvious for them to manifest.
    one is either moved by hate/rejection thus evil is obvious for them to manifest.

    both are the same.

    now ignorance of ones true nature and fear of the unknown with anger equals a confused god who is pretending to be (insert concept here).

    bring god back to himself (consciousness back to consciousness) and realize your inner emptiness. embrace fear with acceptance and finally breathe. use the energy of anger to be more compassionate for others because you've acquired new levels of consciousness and realized you are god manifest.

    truly the only thing that matters is that you wake up to what you are. but even if you don't existence allows it to be because existence is totally unconditional. god is totally unconditional. consciousness is totally unconditional.

    so yes, you are hitler. you are the murder. you are the devil. you are god. you are love. you are peace. you are the infinite potential for infinite expression with infinite power.
  16. yes, god is all...

    God is your life, God is you.

    we were given this great spot.. to view.. to see, to understand.. because with that, we can do something else :)
  17. That's what I was thinking. To call it evil or from the devil is to kind of distance yourself from it, thinking it's from this separate entity outside of yourself and in a way it makes you less personally responsible, being subject to these supposed outside forces.

    Rather I think it all comes from within. I'm pretty sure god knows that to sin is to learn, so I don't think he'd be so totally strictly against sin like we think he is. I think God allows everything, including sin and darkness. When all things are allowed, it gives us more opportunities to learn and grow.

    Of course when we sin too much, there comes a point where we're not learning anymore and that's what god doesn't like too much.

    When they killed Bin Laden my friend was so happy but I tried to explain to him that we are all one, and I even made up an example of "You are Hitler." Funny to see someone else use this exact same expression.
  18. If God is not the source of evil, then he is not the source of everything. If he is not the source of everything, "God" is nothing like what the monotheistic religions present him as.
  19. there is no "good." there is no "evil." those are just descriptors humankind has put onto certain kinds of activities

    all there is is G-d. all things emanate from the Creator, and because of this all things are, in essence, one with Him. all there is in this world is varying degrees of Light. when we call a person, or action "good" we are referring to the amount of Light found within that person or activity. those things which bring us closer to being like the Creator (compassion, tempered judgment, wisdom, understanding, necessary severity, loving-kindness, beauty, etc) operate at a greater degree of Light. those things we call "evil" operate at a lesser degree of Light, however, there is still Light in those things.

    so yes, it is accurate to say that all things are of G-d, just in varying degrees
  20. [​IMG]

    Harlan has an excellent discussion of this

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