God and Satan DO exist.

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Superweener, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. #1 Superweener, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2010
    You know who they really are?

    God is: Knowledge and Understanding, and love

    Satan is: Fear, Hate, and Greed

    That's all they are. They are pretty much natural forces both within us as humans.

    Pretty simple concept eh? :smoke:
  2. Yes sir, I agree. That's how the bible described it right? I feel we need some more good people in the world. And if you an o to god it becomes good lol. Sorry dumb post but good post. I never looked at it that way
  3. Lol no your post isn't dumb it's all cool.

    I was just sitting here smoking roaches and that popped in my head. I made this thread to also keep it written down.
  4. This very losly reminds me of the the 5% nations beliefs.
  5. Knowledge and Understanding, and love = Knowledge and Understanding, and love

    Fear, Hate, and Greed = Fear, Hate, and Greed

    Why do we have to equate things to something higher...can't they just be what they are? Even simpler concept.

  6. [​IMG]
  7. You're very right...

    The thread title was a bit sarcastic and I was just speaking in a metaphorical sense. We don't need to actually "equate" anything.
  8. Why must you twist the idea of a word SOOOO much just so your mind can continue to believe in this certain combination of letters? It must be a comfort thing. Rofl.
  9. Yeah some people are assholes :rolleyes:
  10. God=Good/light/yin/life/white



    Perfect harmony. Everything is one in the same
  11. alright thread i guess. pretty obvious i assume your a atheist or agnostic then.
    and greeds a good thing it motivates people to do better.
  12. #12 ete23, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2010
    makes some sense to me you are god, you are satan, good, how i want it

    seperate the love from the hate, its not hard, maybe for some

    ying yang i like, right?

  13. Death isnt necessarily bad or evil. What about that that 95 year old grandma on her deathbed, waiting to meet her creator?
  14. at the end of the tunnel I was the light not god, god is always within, waiting for love the source of existence
  15. Equal opposites is what I was trying to get across. Not neccessarily that they were all in the same category.
  16. real talk i dont even believe in the concept of heaven n hell.
  17. heaven and hell on earth?
    new rewards and punishments daily
  18. I understand why people felt they had to make up hell (deterrence), but I don't understand about heaven.

    Were they so simple minded as to not realize that no matter how good you made heaven, it would get boring eventually when you've got an eternity in which you're forced to continue existing? That's like punishing people for doing it right.
  19. Honestly, if there was a heaven, we wouldnt be thinking like how we think now. We would not have the thought process of a physical being with symptoms like boredom, or sadness, or possibly even happiness. I would imagine it would just be content and peaceful, which again is still a human emotion, but I think its closer to the truth then having everything perfect, and good.
  20. #20 ete23, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2010
    to me logic

    hell- forever absolute nothingness

    heaven- becoming the calculator, letting you spend some money, endless dreams, but most want there advance in advance. greedy people. i got enough money on me, lol.

    heaven- or just blinded by the light, lol

    blinded blinded blinded

    im on a pedestal, in ecstasy

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