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Discussion in 'General' started by The Stud, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. I've never had any goals, but have decided to start. I have no idea what I want though. What are some of your goals? I don't think I will be finding the cure for cancer just yet, start of with something small!

  2. - Study through the 6th edition of Lehninger's Principles of Biochemistry in one year.
    - Get three cords of wood moved and stacked under roof before snow comes and not destroy my fucked up L4-L5 disk in the process.
    - Grow and harvest enough weed to last me throughout the following year. 
    Good goals! To grow would be a goal, except I can't do it for a few years D: So it will be a very long-term goal that I cannot indulge in atm. And good luck with the book. Sounds ..heavy :)
  4. I want to be. The very best. That no one ever was..
    • Get really good grades in all my classes
    • Get in better shape
    • Get over my insecurities
    • Find a good man
  5. -- Help others more and judge them less.
    -- Make sure my wife has a great birthday, the big 5-Oh coming up!
    -- Get my ass out to vote. We've got a cannabis measure on the ballot here, something about lesser panalties for hash and hashish products, so I'm all for that. I always vote, but the older I get the more a pain it is.
    -- Begin thinking about a micro garden strategy.
    -- Discover life on Mars.
    -- Win a lottery.
    -- Piss it all away. Etc...
  6. a new phone
    Ash Ketchum already has that title, mate.
    This is a really good goal, I didn't even consider the possibilites of having goals like this. I might adopt it!
    And your wife is very lucky :)
    Study hard, work hard, and you have the two first in a box :D
    Getting over insecurities is really hard, I had my dad help me out so I feel very lucky. Basically he just helped me understand the need to be proud of myself and love myself.
    When you find a good man, make sure he has a twin and send him to me ;D
  8. Fictional character. I win.
  9. Move out within 10 days.
  10. #11 AgeOfParanoia, Oct 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2014
    Move to California with my boyfriend in 2 years and go to school to be a designer and/or psychologist
  11. World domination...It is the smaller one between the two.
    The other one is Solar System domination, but that will take time I'm sure. :cool:

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