"Go Green"

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Buddha_Man, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. Everywhere you look now its "Go Green". I can uderstand recylcing and the basics like cuttign back on water usage, but dont think any of its going to change the world. People are still going to eat cheap, mass produced foods,fuel their cars and homes with gas, and not everyone can afford to convert their homes to solar power.

    It seems like a scam how all these companies are profiting off this "green" thing. Most of the people who are buying hybrids and using solar energy are upper class who WORK for coorperations that cause polution in the first place.

    The saddest part is we have known about alternative power since the 19th century. Even the Egyptians are believed to have used clean energy. I guess someone figured they could make lots of money on oil and the world went with it. Where it goes from here, we will have to see.
  2. America works in trends son. The go green fad will end soon. Just like how you hear all the stories on kids getting bullied. Trends. Now sexting is on the news cause of that politician piece of shit.

    And my view on going green is like this Irish dude said. The planet will be here after us. It doesn't need saving, we do.
  3. the next fad will be "once you go black, you're fucked" meaning obama

    edit: I know it's not completely obama's fault our country is fucked up.

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